Sunday, March 1, 2015

February Book Haul

February Book Haul.  Went a little crazy this month, but it doesn't feel so bad when it's done over the whole month.  I should really consider going on this book diet I keep hearing about...

Maybe next year.

I'll just jump right in.

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

A.G. Howard, Splintered

Rachel Hartman, Seraphina

Marissa Meyer, Scarlet & Cress

If you haven't read these yet, do so right now.  I still have to read Cress & Fairest, but the others are sensational.

Joseph Delaney, The Last Apprentice Series books 2 (Curse of the Bane), 6 (Clash of the Demons), 13 (Fury of the Seventh Son)

I've been picking these up as they come into Half Price Books.  Right now I only have a few, but I seem to find a new one with every trip.  Too bad I also come out with an additional six books with every trip to the bookstore.

I've only read the first in the series so far and it is a fun story.  Not too challenging (I believe it's MG) and I love the growing relationship between the Spook and his apprentice.

Sally Green, Half Bad

Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

I picked this one up mainly to continue building my son's collection, though I have actually never read this one before.  I do love me some Seuss.

Brandon Sanderson, Mistborn: The Final Empire

Garth Nix, Sabriel

Tamora Pierce, Song of the Lioness Series books 1-4 (Alanna: The First Adventure, In the Hand of the Goddess, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Lioness Rampant)

J.A. White, The Thickety: A Path Begins

Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

I'm going to make a prediction here...

I will un-haul this book before I ever read it.  Hopefully, by saying this, I'll prove myself wrong.

Kimberly McCreight, Reconstructing Amelia

Andrew Smith, Winger

Maria Semple, Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Christina L. Rozelle, The Treemakers

This is a fellow Indie Author's book I won during last year's Secret Santa Indie Book Giveaway.  Another one I'm hoping to pick up soon.

So, that's it for my February Book Haul. Let me know what books you've picked up recently or are planning to read soon.  Have any of you read any of those list above? What did you think?

Until next time...

I'm Looking buying one less book next month.

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