Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March TBR

I was so proud of myself for completing last month's TBR.  The only exception was Martin's Dance with Dragons, but I knew from the start I wouldn't finish that.  I'm still reading bits of that one at a time, so I'll just keep that on my perpetual TBR for the year 2015.  I anticipate completing it by July.

My inability to read this book quickly may give the appearance that I'm not enjoying the story, but I really am liking DwD. Martin's writing style takes a lot out of me, so I can usually only do chapters at a time.

This month will also be spent editing my third book, so I will be glad if I can get through half of the following list.  I am attempting to release book 3, THE CONQUEST by the end of June, so I still have a bit of time but I don't want the deadline* to creep up on me like it did last time.

Without further ado...

My March TBR:

Marissa Meyer, Cress

There is absolutely no way I could even try to hold this one off.  I was trying to pace these books, since the fourth doesn't come out until the fall, but they are just way too good.

Rachel Hartman, Seraphina

Been hearing so many great responses to this book.  And by the sounds of it, I will equally love this novel.

Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

I loved the movie, it goes to reason I'll enjoy the book even more.  Plus, this covers my attempt to read a book every month that isn't YA.  So far, I haven't been doing so well on that front.

Joseph Delaney, The Last Apprentice: Curse of the Bane

Sherry Thomas, The Elemental Trilogy; The Burning Sky

C.L. Schneider, The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars

This is a fellow indie author. The first in this trilogy (?) was so good.  This is one of the two books for the Goodreads Indie Book Club in March.

Chess Desalls, The Call to Search Everywhen: Travel Glasses

Another fellow indie author and the second book for the GR Indie Book Club

Until next time...I'm Looking Forward to finding another book that keeps me from sleeping.

*I say deadline as though someone other than my imaginary agent has set me these parameters.

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