Another recent finish is The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider.
Book 2 in The Crown of Stones trilogy, continues just about where book 1 left off. (I know...unheard of, right?)
Now, because this is a sequel, I don't want to go into any details of the current story, since anything I would say could be construed as a spoiler. However, I'll link the Goodreads page here for those of you who want to learn more.
Just as the first, Magic-Scars is such a well-developed story. Schneider has such a beautifully-descriptive writing style. With only a few words, you're thrown right into Ian's--our main character--perspective and you're eager to suck in all the surrounding details. I was fully invested in so many of the characters; whether I hated them and wanted so badly for them to kick it, or I was biting my fingers down to nubs because I was so terrified of the outcome.
I will admit, this--and the first, Magic-Price--is a very long story. It could never be thought of as anything except High Fantasy, so you might anticipate a lot of dragging moments, but I only felt that once in the entire book and it was likely my own fault since I stretched it out over the entire month. This book only just came out and I am in no way eager to wait for the final installment.
I've given this a 4 stars. For fans of epic fantasy, particularly those who enjoy new magic outlooks, this is the book for you.
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