Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Most of my free time over the last few years has been spent in the world of writing, revising, query letters and agents, so you may be wondering why I am choosing now to start writing about the process.  Well, I can give no other explanation except boredom.

I began writing seriously about 5 years ago after waking up from a particularly vivid dream.  My husband (only a boyfriend at the time), told me to write the dream down, but after reaching the end of the one-page exercise, I learned there was more to the story.

What should have been a short story at best, became a trilogy of novels and the start of my writing obsession.  A simple dream of being bitten by a spider had somehow become a young woman's journey toward discovering a magical world, how to use her untapped magic and protecting her father's throne.

The next two plus years took my characters through three books, nine weeks and too many near-death experiences.  My own life was turned upside-down on several occasions while writing these novels, but it wasn't until beginning the process toward finding an agent where my endurance was truly challenged.

Next post: Editing, editing and then editing some more will nearly kill all aspiring authors.